On My Mind Monday (2nd ed.)

Ok, ok. I know for most of you it's not Monday. Even though it's Tuesday I'm posting this because I was away in Santa Fe this weekend and just got back yesterday so today is my Monday.  On to the stuff I found interesting this week... Chris Brogan: Not Time Management Why: This is actually a vlog post. I included it because he makes a simple but really important point about the biggest key to managing our time.

Reuters: If Women are Good at Running Businesses Why Does it Take Them Longer to Start One? Why: As a female entrepreneur I'm always fascinated with this topic. And? It points out how the "system" can adjust to suit potential entrepreneurs just a tad outside the traditional profile.

New York Times: But Will it Make You Happy? Why: Happiness is always a fun topic. It also talks indirectly about a topic I'm very interested in: simplicity vs. minimalism.

Home Grown: Earthship Biotecture Why: This weekend I had the opportunity to visit the original Earthship community just outside of Taos. When I was going to get my PhD I studied environmental risks and community response to it so sustainability is a topic that's always close to my heart. The photos below are of completed and still in the works Earthships.
