Have You Been Pegged?

Hiring and job hunting are some of the most stressful and time-consuming business activities.  They’re also some of the most critical for success for a business--especially during the startup and growth phases. And, for an individual. The hiring process can sometimes seem like a magical black box. And, you can’t always count on that magic box giving you an accurate or reliable answer. This is equally frustrating for companies as well as for the job seekers looking to work in them.  This frustration translates into hard dollars and cents. It's estimated that it can cost 2 - 5 times the annual salary for just one new hire. That's a whole lot of money. And time. The costs are just as high emotionally and financially for the employee. This, is not a trivial problem. Given this, I was excited to learn about Roundpegg, a Boulder based company that provides web-based tools that help predict the cultural fit of a potential employee and employer.  I like to describe the company as where science meets culture. Which, results in better hiring. This is good news all around.  Roundpegg aims to change the paradigm on hiring making it much more neutral and objective than the traditional model. The traditional model of hiring is highly subjective and isn’t typically well-articulated or consistent. The traditional model can also favor the company over job applicants—especially in situations like our current tight job market.  This neutral, scientific model democratizes the selection process allowing both sides of the equation to take an objective look at whether it's truly a match or not.  It takes a squishy, intangible seeming concept like culuture and makes it, well, tangible.

The other thing I really like about what Roundpegg is doing is that they’re taking the edge out of hiring. There’s not a good or bad here. It’s about whether an individual and a company are a cultural match. This is inherently empowering for individuals.  And, for hiring managers and companies. There’s no need to try to stuff a round peg into that proverbial square hole. (Super clever branding by the way that fits their product well.)

Using a more objective approach also creates more ease in the selection process for both the job seeker and a hiring company. Once you have clarity on the parameters relevant to success for the individual or company, the talent search becomes markedly easier. No more trying to making things fit—like when you try to squeeze yourself into a pair of pants that are way too small.  Or, ones that are designed for a completely different kind of body type so there’s a major misalignment. It fits or it doesn’t. Plain. and. Simple.

Using a scientifically-based model takes the guesswork out of hiring from a cultural perspective. It removes the nerves on both sides of the partnership wondering whether this marriage will work. No more finger crossing hoping you guessed right. No more gaming the system. Searches become easier, more efficient, more accurate and potentially quicker. This is a good thing for both businesses as well as the talent.

It means we can get back to doing the work more quickly. Ultimately, that's a good thing for everyone.

You've been pegged right?

If you haven't been pegged yet (as the kids call it)--do it today. Even if you're not looking for a job thisminute--it's good to know what kind of culture, team and communication style works best for you. The best part? You can get pegged for free.

OK--go do it. I'll wait. And, I want a hear what you learned about what you need in a culture.

(By the way, I don't work for the company nor do I get a kick-back of any sort for this post. I just happen to be an admirer who likes to spread the word about cool things companies are up to--especially in my field.)